Sunday, 28 April 2013

Google / Wikipedia - a teacher's friend or foe?

Teachers are always complaining that students use the Google and Wikipedia search engines too much too often, but it turns out that teachers consult it just as much!
A recent study by the Pew Research Centre on how teens conduct research in the digital world indicates that 76% of the high school teachers surveyed agree that the two search engines have conditioned students to expect to find information quickly and easily.  Teachers are also of the opinion that students often equate research with Googling.  Yet 87% of the teachers interviewed admit to consulting Wikipedia when planning lessons.  Virtually all of the teachers(99%) admitted to using search engines to find information online. 

So what makes a search engine such as Wikipedia so popular amongst students (and teachers)? 
Have a look!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How do libraries stay relevant?

The traditional role of libraries as the providers of books to users has been challenged in recent years with the increased market for e-Books.  As the director of Berkley Public Library, Donna Corbeil, rightfully said 'library spaces have moved far beyond the traditional hushed reading rooms ... we strive to be a central part of our community by meeting expectations and changing needs of the people we serve, embracing new technologies and innovating along the way'. 
In other words, we have to stay relevant to the needs of the communities we serve.  Librarians worldwide have come up with some pretty innovative ideas in their quest to stay relevant.  From hog-butchering demonstrations, dance classes,  virtual bowling alleys to name but a few - have a look and see!  Make no mistake - libraries are experiencing a paradigm shift.


Monday, 15 April 2013

'Computers in libraries'

When the 'Computers in libraries conference' was recently held in Washington DC, I had the opportunity to follow many of the techno geeks (too many to mention) in the industry.  This year's theme focussed on mobile devices and electronic collections and how their use is changing the spaces and services in libraries.  Topics covered included 'Evolving libraries', 'Creating a culture of Usability', and many, many more!  If you would like to know more, please scan the code - go ahead, I dare you!!  It's quite interesting.

PS!!  Don't forget those technical caps for Wednesday - as Sandy says

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Progress thus far:
Essay ✔
Presentation ✔
Some really good presentations were shown by classmates.  My topic dealt with mobile technologies in academic libraries.  I felt a bit ill at ease with the topic because of my apprehension with all things technical and the fact that I am not familiar with academic libraries - apart from making use of the UWC library occassionally. 
Blog - work in progress
Twitter - work in progress (proving to be more arduous than I had initially anticipated)
Wiki ?????   See to find out what it is before we can  progress to creating one.  I'll certainly be doing that!!

Here's to progress!!